The Clean Desk Drawer

Sometimes it’s hard to eat clean while working full-time! Actually, it can be hard to eat clean no matter what your work schedule or lack thereof- just check out my weekend posts for evidence of this. As we all know, it’s all about the planning, but sometimes even the best plans don’t work out.

I had to work early today and didn’t have the time or energy to pack much of anything before I left the house. After my morning call was over, I headed back to the office, and stopped in at Target on the way. How does that store manage to take so much of my money when I go in for a just few things? Ugh. I digress. #firstworldproblems

I decided that in order to prevent the need for many future trips to the big red dot store, I should buy foods that can be stored in my desk at work for more days like today (and there probably will be more than I’d like to admit!). Aside from the yogurt, I think I succeeded. I’ve included a picture of my finds, my meal, and my drawer for your viewing pleasure! lol

Next time I fail to plan ahead, I can just open my desk drawer and dig in!

What I ate: Greek yogurt with dates, almond slices and vanilla. It felt very Mediterranean. Too bad it didn’t immediately transport me to the Greek Isles.





Superbowl Sunday I experienced a slight speed-bump in the clean eating road. What I’m trying to say is that I didn’t eat a 100% clean meal on Sunday.  It just didn’t happen.  However, instead of thinking that this whole thing is ruined and the plan is doomed, I’m making an exception for the greater good of my heath (and Type A mental stability).  I was, however, pretty close with my Chipotle burrito bowl (a pretty clean option as far as eating in a restaurant goes), so I’m calling it “good” and moving on.

What am I not going to do?  I’m not going to say- oh well, I broke my new years resolution and because I didn’t have a 100% clean meal on one day, I might as well not do it.  Nope, I’m not going there.  I’m putting on my big girl panties, and learning the lesson I should have learned a long time ago – Pareto’s Principle – what you do 80% of the time matters more than what you do 20% of the time.

What I ate: Chipotle burrito bowl with black and pinto beans, all four kinds of salsa, brown rice, fajita peppers and onions, guacamole, sour cream and cheese (the not clean part) and corn tortillas.

No picture of my Chipotle deliciousness though, sorry!


Mediterranean Quinoa

Continuing on my trend of exploring alternate (non-meat) protein sources, I made quinoa. I’ve had it before, and liked it, but mostly in the context of a boxed mix. Tasty, but not very clean.

Sidenote- the more I actually read the ingredients panel before I buy something, the more concerned I am about our food supply.

I try not to be a grocery store judger, but the woman in the check-out line behind me last night was not buying a single item of fresh food. Not a fruit, vegetable, or even a bagged salad in sight. Maybe she shops around and buys her produce somewhere else, but still. The standard American diet is pretty sad!

Anyways! Sorry for the tangent there. My quinoa concoction was pretty tasty, and even the hubs was asking for some (after he ate his own favorite soup). I think he’s realizing how good this stuff really can be, which is nice for both of us because I plan to stick with these dietary changes & make more meals like this one.

What I ate: Quinoa with cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, onion, garlic powder, lemon juice, olive oil, lemon pepper, parsley, salt, pepper, and some low fat feta cheese.




I’m not going to lie. Seeing the numbers on the scale go down is definitely a good source of motivation for me. But more and more (especially in light of yesterday’s post) I’m finding that just knowing that I’m making better choices for my health is really motivating for me. I figure even when the scale stalls, something good is going on inside with the extra nutrition I’ve been getting.  It’s also easier to be motivated when I actually like and begin to crave healthy/clean foods over junk food. Slowly but surely, positive changes are happening.

What I ate: Ezekiel bread with 2 tablespoons peanut butter and 1/2 a grapefruit. The clean taste of the grapefruit was a good compliment to the heavy/sticky pb.


It’s a Journey

Continuing on the theme of road trips, I sometimes wish that instead of it being a lifelong journey of/towards good health, that it was some destination you could pull your car into, get out, and say “Here we are!” But it doesn’t work that way, and sometimes along the way you might make some mistakes or have to make some compromises. That’s what happened to me yesterday.

I was out of town (obviously) and tried to make good choices. We stayed at a hotel with a continental breakfast that was pretty clean eating-friendly.  However I “dirtied” my otherwise clean meal (of fruit and scrambled eggs) with some juice and some Special K.

Then for lunch I had a hummus and goat cheese salad. It was delish and came with lettuce, roasted red peppers, tomatoes and warm pita slices. I probably would’ve ordered that even without trying to eat clean, but- trying to focus on getting more protein due to what I’ve learned about nutrition from Tosca Reno’s books- I added grilled salmon. It actually really filled me up and I’m glad I added it on. So, a small victory- even though I technically didn’t eat a totally clean meal…I applied what I’ve been learning and did the best I could while out of town and away from my kitchen.

This just served to reinforce my feelings that I should always try to start by day off with a totally clean breakfast so that I’m not stuck at the end of the day contemplating whether I should stuff down some almonds with fruit just to say I had my clean meal. I considered it, but decided against it in the end, because even though it would have *totally* satisfied my inner devilish voice (aka type A personality), it goes against the balance and non- ‘all or nothing’ mentality I’m striving for.

So, even though I don’t have a true “what I ate” section for the day (yesterday)- I did the best I could, learned something, and avoided the ‘well sh*t….I already ruined it-on the 19th day of the year, no less- so it’s all over’ trap. Moving. on.

Road Trip!

Sometimes I get a little anxious about eating healthy when I’m away from home. It’s so easy to get into the ‘I’m on vacation, who cares/calories don’t count’ headspace. No es bueno.

To start off on the right foot, last night I did some road trip snack prep. In my opinion, no road trip would be complete without snacks, but they don’t have to involve chips and gummy bears. Sometimes they might, but I’m trying to get away from that! I stocked up on lots of easy-to-eat-on-the-road snacks (pictured below) and made a big batch of egg white/avocado salad for something more substantial.

What I ate: Egg whites, avocado, tomato, and jalapeno salad with salt, pepper, lemon pepper, chili powder and fresh squeezed lime juice. Yummm!!



Not Glamorous…but Better

I’m trying to do things the slow and steady way this year, instead of jumping on one 30 day program, burning out, and then starting a new three month/4 week/5 day/{you name it} healthy eating/workout craze…and I’ve noticed something.  I’m missing the before and after pictures, the glitz and glam, and being able to ‘name the plan’ I’m on.  But, as profound or as un-profound as it is, I’m really starting to see results and appreciate the fact that small changes do add up to big results that go BEYOND the number on the scale.  It’s nice to see the number going down (and I am), but it’s even better to have the deep satisfaction that comes with doing something that will change your life long term.  Deep down, everyone knows that no matter how many diet plans/30 day challenges/whatever you do, in order to feel and look the way you want, you’re going to have to make some real changes that you can live with most (if not every) day of your life.

What I’m finding is that no matter how busy, or stressful, or {fill in the blank}, my day is… I can accomplish this.  One clean meal a day, even if it’s eaten a few bites at a time in between client phone calls, in the car, or on a beach somewhere (a girl can dream!), I am doing this.  One day, one meal at a time.  I am getting healthier, feeling better and liking it.  I’m also NOT stressing about everything that goes into my mouth.  As I find myself wanting to eat clean-er and clean-er, I also feel better about eating something not-so-clean at times.  It’s all about balance, which is exactly what I’ve been lacking on my post-college/20’s health quest (and let’s be real…skinny jean quest).  It was too much- all or nothing- and not enough balance.  And balance- I’ve been missing you!

So, though my humble New Years resolution of eating one clean meal a day may not be so glamorous… it’s better.  It doesn’t have the glitz and the glam, but it has the results. Mental and physical- and for me at least, that’s what it’s all about.

Now that I’ve gotten that out…. (ahem)…moving on to the regularly scheduled programming.  It does tie in to the above, I promise.

I was on the run again today, but I found a way to pack a (weirdly) delicious, clean lunch that I ate at my desk.  I think (hope) next week will be much less hectic, and I’ll work on getting some more variety in then.  Until that time, I will continue with my hard-boiled egg obsession.  Don’t judge.

What I ate: 2 hard-boiled eggs with fresh salsa from Whole Foods (yum) and 4 clementines.


Surprisingly Delicious

When I read through Tosca’s book (yes, we’re obviously on a first name basis even though she has no clue I exist! hah), “The Eat Clean Diet (R) Recharged!” I saw that lentils were referenced as a lean protein source.  That kind of surprised me because I had always mentally categorized them as more of a complex carbohydrate.  But, needless to say, I’ve tried them and liked them, so I was pleasantly surprised that they were on the protein list!

I picked up a pack of ready made lentils at the store recently.  The only thing added (or at least listed on the ingredients list) was salt, so I was happy that they seemed “clean” and dropped them into my basket while I continued my shopping trip.  Can I just stop right here and say that there are a RIDICULOUS amount of chemicals/artificial ingredients added to virtually EVERY.freaking.item. in the grocery store!  Before reading Tosca’s book, I was a fairly healthy eater, but never took a lot of time to look at the ingredients in the “healthy” things (I thought) I was buying.  Good Lord, there are so many unrecognizable, and unpronounceable things added to nearly every item that comes in a package.  Steering clear of those chemicals and man made things, even if it’s just one meal a day, has to be a good thing.  So now that I’m more aware of these ‘sneaky’ ingredients, I’m forced (internally) to stand on the side of the aisles looking like a weirdo trying to decipher what’s actually IN the item I’m thinking of buying.  I’m sure it will get easier once I have a ‘base list’ of products that are “clean,” I’m just quite shocked in the meantime.  Okay, detour complete.  Back to what I ate.

What I ate: Steamed lentils and beets, with salt and pepper.  I’ve included a picture of the packages to save myself (and anyone else who is reading here) some time standing in the grocery store reading the ingredients panel.  These brands seemed “clean” to me.


Getting Started

During 2012 I tried a variety of healthy eating tricks and tactics, but after being “gung ho” for a few days or weeks, I found myself right back in the same spot.  Not wanting to count calories, points, or keep track of every little thing I put in my mouth.

After hearing about “Clean Eating,” I picked up a copy of Tosca Reno’s book “The Eat-Clean Diet (R) Recharged!”  What she had to say made sense to me.  I liked that it wasn’t a quick-fix, and that pretty much anyone could follow the plan (even someone like me- who doesn’t eat what I call “land cruisers”- chicken, pork, beef…or any other land animal- or a bird for that matter)!

I tried to implement it all immediately, and of course, after a few days- I blew it.  But this time, I realized that with “clean eating” it doesn’t have to be an ‘all or nothing’ type of lifestyle.  I could start small, with a resolution to eat one “clean” meal a day, and go from there.  So that’s my plan, and I’m recording it both for myself, and with the hope that  I might inspire others to make some changes (big or small) for their own health!