Green Juice + Clean Eating

As I’m sure you all know, the flu has been spreading like wildfire lately. After running around a lot this weekend and eating some fried junk at a Super Bowl party on Sunday, I felt like CRAP yesterday. I felt like I was getting run down to the point of being vulnerable to the flu and I do.not.have.time.for.that. Thankyouverymuch!

After talking to a friend who juices at home and whose kids “never get sick,” I thought it might be a good idea to put my juicer to work for some nutritious flu prevention.

I followed this recipe from (who’s commented on here before- thanks!) and made a ton of green juice to get me through the day. I have to say, it’s not too bad. The apple and cilantro work pretty well together. I feel much better today than I did yesterday, so that’s a nice benefit. I have been a bit hungry here and there, but it’s usually before I’m due to drink my next “dose” of juice.

To keep it clean and balanced, I added some Jay Robb protein powder to my afternoon juice and that helped fill me up (though it didn’t really change the taste). I could see myself doing a juice cleanse day every once in a while. Who knows, maybe this was the tipping point between being down for the count with the flu or feeling pretty good!?

What I ate: This green juice with Jay Robb Vanilla Protein Powder


2 thoughts on “Green Juice + Clean Eating

  1. Very happy to hear your enjoying the benefits of juicing, I would however recommend, if possible, to drink your juice as close to juicing it as possible to maximize the benefits. As soon as it is turned into juice format the good nutrients and enzymes begin to die and loose their effectiveness. I know for most people carrying a juicer and your supplies to work is not possible, but for your breakfast and supper juice it probably is. Either way thanks for sharing your experience!

    • Thanks for the comment, Mike. I’ve heard that the juice starts to lose it’s nutrients and enzymes over time, but unfortunately there’s no way for me to juice fresh each time because I’m in the office most of the day. Next time, I’ll probably juice half in the morning before I leave and then juice the rest once I get home so it’s as fresh as possible. I’ll have to check out your site for more juicing recipes.

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